Sunday, May 3, 2015

Conquering the Pig

I have dubbed this year "The Year of the Run." Last year as I was training for my first century ride, I dubbed it "The Year of the Bike." See how clever and creative I am? In any event, this year of the run started off by trying to get back into shape after a surgery last fall that put me out of commission for a while. It's been a long road back, starting at run-walks and 13+ minute miles and slowly...oh so slowly...getting back almost where I used to be.

But anyway....back to the year of the run. This is the year of the run because of a certain set of races that take place in January. Some time ago, I decided that the best way to celebrate next year's 'significant' birthday was to attempt to complete the Dopey Challenge at Disney World, which consists of a 5K on Thursday, 10K on Friday, half marathon on Saturday and full marathon on Sunday. That's a lot of running. So in order to prepare for that, I figured I've have to put in a lot of miles and start early. Such was the situation when I decided to sign up for the Flying Pig Half Marathon in Cincinnati, a crazy hilly race that my friend Jody and her friends had decided to do.

Flying Pig is the first weekend in May, a lovely time to spend running around southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky. Yup, that's right - one race, two states. I ran so far that I ran out of one state, into another and back again. I was so looking forward to the race weekend girls' trip and I was just about ready. My runs were going well and my times were coming down. Then a week before the race, my hip suddenly started to hurt and hurt so bad that I had to cut a run short - something I NEVER do. Panic set in and I made 2 emergency trips to the physical therapist to try to be able to complete my race. One of my treatments left my hip bruised and battered but if I got me through 13 hilly miles 48 hours later, it would be well worth it.

Race weekend came and I was not at all sure I'd be able to run all those miles. 13 miles on my bruised hip was going to be hard enough. But 13 hilly miles was another thing altogether. I decided to give it a try. Taking to heart my friends' warnings to listen to my body and be cautious about how much I pushed it, I met up with a group of awesome runners and we headed out. We headed to packet pickup as soon as we got to town and I could tell an hour or so in that my hip was not holding up well. I tried not to let that stop me from having fun so we explored the expo before heading to a carb-loading feast.

After dinner we headed back to hotel for an early evening in preparation for a 5:30 wake up call. Thankfully, my friend Jody is a wonderful licensed massage therapist and generously offered to work on my hip. Unfortunately, she found knots not only in my hip and glutes but also all the way down my IT band. She did what she could and I managed not to scream too much.

Race morning came and I used the foam roller to loosen up my hip and leg as much as possible. Satisfied I was as ready as I was going to be, we headed out the door to meet the other ladies in our entourage. I felt pretty good walking the half mile or so to the starting line. I lined up in corral E with Jody and Sandy and did some dynamic stretching while we waited to start. 

The race starts and I take off with Jody and Sandy. I felt my hip twinge from the first step but it wasn't too bad. Yet. We hit mile 1 in just under 11:00 and I was pretty comfortable with the conservative pace. 

We hit mile 2 at about the same pace but I started to feel a little more soreness. As we got close to mile 3 Jody asked me if I thought I could handle it for another 10 miles and I told her I thought I could. I let them go on faster and I tried to keep my own pace but soon I resigned myself to the fact that I was not going to be able to run this whole race. I was disappointed and frustrated. But shortly after I started my first walk break as I crossed back into Ohio, I noticed how beautiful the sunrise was over the river. I stopped, pulled out my phone and took a picture.

And that's when I got an idea. Since my race was pretty much over at this point, I might as well have a little fun. I decided to document the race with pictures and commentary. My purpose was two-fold: to have a little fun and to assure my family and friends that I was ok and making smart decisions. As it turns out, I can be a little stubborn and people who love me were concerned I'd push on at an unhealthy level and hurt myself even more.

Shortly after we crossed the bridge, I noticed the beginning of the 4-mile climb that I knew was going to be rough even on a good day. Today was not a good day. So....let the fun begin. Below is the commentary I posted on Facebook during the race, as well as some of the thoughts I had that I didn't stop to post.

See that mountain up ahead? Yep...I get to spend the next 4 miles running up it.

Geez, I'm really glad I'm not running a full marathon today. Thank goodness for small favors.

Ok. This is getting steep now. 

Hee hee. They are holding up Super Mario Brothers power boost sticks. That's funny. Points to them for sign creativity. Hey I could use a power boost right about now.This hill is killin' me.

Woot! Woot! Power boost selfie! Waiting for my power boost to kick in.

This power boost is not working. Crap.

Seriously with this hill? Is. It. Ever. Going. To. End?

Are my ears starting to pop?

I think I'm starting to get altitude sickness.

I kinda have to go to the bathroom. My time is already shot. Might as well add a few more minutes and take porta potty break.

Yup. Still in line.

Ok. I feel better now. What the? There was an actual honest-to-goodness park bathroom across the street? With flushing toilets and sinks with water? How did I not see that? Son of a....

Oh hey - I was down there a few miles ago!

Yep - that was a long way up. How do some people run that whole thing even with 2 good hips?

Oh good - we get to go downhill now.

Ow! Going downhill hurts more than going uphill!

Ok. Good. That's over.

Hey - even they call it a mountain!

Run again now. Ok -go. Nope, that's not happening. 

Now my "good hip" hurts too. For the love of all that's holy, when is this thing going to be over?

Big pig says 1 mile to go.

I've never walked in the last mile of a half marathon. Let's run again. Ok - those 20 feet really hurt. Back to walking.

Less than a half mile. I WILL run to the end now.

Where the hell is the finish line?

Yay! There it is. Hey - who are they? Oh yeah, the first marathoners are finishing now. Not doing a lot for my self confidence. At least it's just the men. Oh wait - nope. There are the first women. Sigh...


Now to the first aid tent. Must. Get. Ice.

That feels better and worse all at the same time.

Celebratory finish pic.

Ok. Now all I have to do is walk the half mile back to my hotel.


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