Monday, September 14, 2009

Friends & Designer Shoes Did Me In

Lousy run tonight. In just about any marathon training program, the day after a long run is a rest day. Turns out there's a reason for that. My legs felt like lead and I had no energy. But that wasn't the only problem.

I wasn't planning to run today. However once I received an email confirming a dinner celebrating a friend's new job, I realized that I could either miss a night out with my friends or I could run on my off day. So...lesson learned: thou shalt rest after long runs.

The shoes I wore to work also gave me a little grief. Most women have a pair of shoes like the ones I wore today. You love them and you hate them. You love them because they look darn cute. You hate them because they inexplicably make mince meat of your feet. This was the syndrome that caused discomfort during 3 of the most miserable miles of my recent recollection.

The route I chose was bad too - it was hillier than I thought was possible in Normal. As an added bonus there were visible swarms of bugs . I don't quite get these things. They gave their lives to dive bomb into my sweaty body. I know I ate at least 3 of them and am pretty sure inhaled one or two. I don't even want to think how many were in my hair. My shirt was covered with them when I got done. (And if that wasn't enough, I had to run to the grocery store to pick up something for dinner and ran into one of my most beautiful co-workers. Lovely.)

So I practically crawled back to my car after my 3 sloooooow miles. And as proof that God does indeed have a since of humor, a license plate on the car across from mine caught my eye. It read: RNFST3. Very funny big guy.

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