Friday, November 6, 2009

Marathon Training by the Numbers

After tomorrow's run, I will be halfway through my marathon training. So I figured it was a good time to take stock of where I've been and where I'm going. What better way to put things into perspective than with the black and white language of numbers? Normally, numbers and I don't mix but this seemed harmless enough so here goes!

168...................miles run so far
9.......................weeks of training left
284..................miles left to run
4......................settings on my head lamp
125..................dollars I spent on the marathon registration fee packs in my freezer runs on my schedule
15,000............runners in the Disney Marathon
7.......................people in the Raegan/Wendy entourage traveling to Florida with us
13....................hours of sleep lost to early morning weekend runs
20....................miles in my longest training run
61....................days until the marathon

1400...............calories burned on my last long run

I'll take a moment to savor the fact that I've reached the halfway mark in my training before my thoughts turn to the realization that this fact means I have halfway yet to go. So I will get up early in the morning and I will pack my sports drink before heading out the door in my spandex. I will do all these things with the knowledge that I have 284 more miles to go but that there are a lot of people cheering me on along the way.

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