Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tapering a little too much

As I mentioned previously, I am now in the glorious taper stage of marathon training. Never was there such a lovely time. Tapering means reducing mileage following your longest run and gradually working down to only a few miles the week of the marathon. Here's the thing though: in the past week, I've taken tapering to an art form and went a little overboard. Here's the breakdown of my runs since the tapering began:

Day 1
Miles I was supposed to do: 4
Miles I did: 0
Reason/Excuse: The arch of my right foot was sore and I figured at this point rest was more important than a measly 4 miles.

Day 2
Miles I was supposed to do: 8
Miles I did: 6.6
Reason/Excuse: Runner Wendy wasn't feeling well, I was crabby at 6:45 am for waiting for a tardy Runner Wendy to meet me and it had snowed again and left more snow on the trail requiring a lot more of our lower legs (Hey in those conditions, 6.6 miles=8 miles in normal conditions, right?).

Day 3
Miles I was supposed to do: 5
Miles I did: 3
Reason/Excuse: It was raining. Again. I ran on a treadmill in my brother's basement and despite his efforts to make me comfortable by putting on a DVD and bringing out a fan, running on a treadmill is just miserable for me. Plus my 3-year old niece kept throwing balls at me in her attempt to play catch.

So my next run is my "long" one for the week. It happens to fall on the day after Christmas and just my luck, the temperature is supposed to be 20 degrees colder than it is now. And, it's supposed to snow. So that 12 might turn into 8 real quick.

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