Saturday, January 2, 2010

Now? Seriously?

For the last several weeks, I've been saying that I fear 2 things: illness and injury. I managed to experience both this week. After sacrificing sleep. working my butt off and nearly going broke preparing for this marathon, I want to be in top form for the actual race. A trip to visit my family over the holidays didn't seem dangerous but apparently it was.

Both my young nieces, my sister-in-law and my father all had nagging colds on Christmas day. I walked around half the day with a bottle of anti-bacterial gel, repeatedly bathing my hands in wonder product. However, winter weather kept us all trapped inside a germy haven all day. Added to that, my niece Lily was especially cute after having seen Princess and the Frog. Every once in a while, she would inexplicably drop to the floor on all fours, which I was told meant that she had become a frog. She'd hop over to me and await her kiss to turn her back into a princess. The preciousness of it made me temporarily forget about her germiness. Needless to say, I have spent almost a week with sniffles and now a nasty cough.

Ironically, the snow and ice did not contribute to my injury. Instead the stairs in my parents' house was to blame. While walking down the stairs on my way to grab some running clothes out of the laundry room, my feet shot out from under me and I tumbled down about 5 stairs. I was lucky though - I only had some soreness on my butt and left arm. I'm not sure how I didn't break a bone or royally mess up my back.

So while I constantly have been thinking this timing kind of sucks, it could be worse so I need to choose to be positivie and grateful for small miracles. If anyone is looking for me, I'll just be over here drowning my cells in vitamin C.

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