Friday, July 31, 2015

What Have I Done?


Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap.


Today I had what was no doubt the first of many freak-outs regarding this Dopey plan. I am still trying to figure out which training plan I'm going to use. In the plan I first decided to use, I don't need to start the official schedule until mid-September but the distance starts out pretty long. The 2nd plan I considered started a month ago but with my hip thing I wasn't able to start it then. The third plan I considered starts out with a long run of 13 miles on the first week. With all this confusion I decided to ask my physical therapist Josh, who is also a runner, what he thought would be smartest considering I was coming back from injury. In the course of our conversation, he said " You could use several 20 milers. You're basically training for an ultra."


I'd never considered that. He's right, of course. And that caused some mild anxiety. And then on the drive back to my office, I had another thought. I'm doing this thing all alone. Well, I do know 1 other person doing it, but he'll be coming off a 100 mile run this fall, so I'm thinking he's out of my league. Yep - I'm alone in this. And that's when the freak out commenced.

So let's take stock of where I'm at right now.

1) I'm basically training for an ultra marathon.
2) I'm coming off an injury.
3) I'm already behind in my training due to said injury.
4) I'm doing this alone.
5) My hair is at that awkward stage where it's too long to leave down for a run but too short to pull back in a ponytail.

Ok - so that last one is not so catastrophic but the rest are kind of a big deal.

Crap. What have I done?

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