Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just in time for appetizers

What is it with rain on Thursday nights? This is the 2nd Thursday in a row that it has rained, but it is the 2nd Thursday in a row that I've braved the rain. I give myself dedication points for that.

Tonight I only had 3 miles to do. I had arranged with my friend Gail to run to her house and get a lift back to my car. Around noon she called and asked if I was still planning on running in this weather. Unfortunately I said yes. She mentioned that she was having a few people over for some Wii and dinner but I was still welcome to run over. Literally.

Since the rain had lightened up a bit as I was leaving work, I figured I'd try to get the run done quickly in hopes that I could beat the heavy rain and avoid the need for an Ark. I hammered the first 2 miles (uh, the term hammered is relative) and covered them in 10:00 and 10:20 respectively. Not too shabby for me considering the rolling hills along the way. I let up slightly for the 3rd mile in anticipation of Saturday's 10-miler.

I arrived at my friend's house just as she and her guests were munching on some appetizers. So after I was handed a towel and glass of water, I was offered some yummy goodies too. Gail even sent me home with some cheese, crackers and nuts.

Too bad all my runs don't end with a doggy bag.

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