I ran 9 miles today! It took me the better part of the morning but I finished the miles and I finished them feeling good. Let's take a moment and savor that accomplishment. Ahhh...nice. The run today was 2 miles further than any previous training run and 4 miles longer than last weekend. It's my longest run until...next weekend. I'll deal with that when it gets here. For now, I'm still in accomplishment savoring mode.
Due to some scheduling issues, this 9-miler was run sans Runner Wendy, my training partner. It was just me and my iPod. I was nervous about my solo trek so I arranged for a pit stop house at the home of my friend Gail. Given the anxiety-producing mid-run sickness situation I experienced on Thursday's run, I mapped out a course that stopped by Gail's house twice in case the dire need for a restroom arose again. No emergency this time, but I did discover that the stretch of Hershey Road between Ireland Grove and Washington has a surprising number of rolling hills. The photo shows my pleasure at having finished 9 miles.
After my run I drove home, presumably to rest. Then reality set in that I had chores to do. The grass in front of my house was getting so tall that soon small animals would start getting lost in it. So while I was still sweating and before my legs realized what I'd just done to them, I got out the mower and attacked my lawn. Then as I was preparing for a shower I realized that despite doing laundry just 2 weeks ago, I was in need of emptying my hamper. As you can tell, I'm not so good at doing the laundry. That's why I have so many pairs of socks and underwear. But let me tell you, training for a marathon causing laundry to pile up really fast.
So now the laundry is started, the lawn is mowed and I'm about ready to lie down for a well- earned rest. Anybody want to bring me some dinner??
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