Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Stranger Thumbs Up

Days like this I love my run. The weather was perfect - sunny and slightly cool. I felt good - 5 miles seemed more like 2. And everyone around me seemed to be cheering me on.

I often bring my running clothes to work so I can head out straight for my run and not lose momentum by having to go home first. Which means several times I week, I walk from my office to my car in all of my spandex loveliness. But today, instead of the odd looks that I normally get, I heard people say things like "She's going to work out, Have a good run, How far are you going today?" So tonight with the waves, smiles and encouraging comments from my co-workers I was ready to start my 5 miles with a bit of a spring in my step.

Out on the trail, I was running along occasionally smiling at my fellow runners. As I was running through uptown Normal, a stranger I passed fashioned his face into his best "you go girl" expression, gave me a toothy grin and an enthusiastic thumbs up. It put me in such a good mood that I actually found myself grinning as I was running. I don't know if that's ever happened before. I paid it forward a couple miles later when I encountered a group of Team in Training ladies on their run.

On an unrelated note, my training has now officially reached the point where the word "only" precedes the phrase "5 miles to run tonight". That's progress I suppose.

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