Monday, October 26, 2015

36 Hours Later...

I ran again this morning. Ideally, I would have given myself another rest day after that whole 4 races in one day thing from Saturday, but my schedule did not allow for a Tuesday run, so this morning it was. I figured my quads were going to hurt a lot. After all, that's really the only thing that bothered me during my epic 5K tour of Bloomington-Normal. But on this morning's run they actually didn't hurt.

Everything else did.

Well, that's probably hyperbole. It's more accurate to say everything else below the waist hurt. My shins. My calves. My hip. Even the tops of my feet, which I didn't know was possible. I was barely a half mile into my "run" this morning when I realized it was not going to go well. I hung in for a mile before I allowed myself to walk for the first time. But it turned out that walking hurt almost as much as running. So there I was at 5:45 am thinking if I at least ran with my phone I could have tried to get a Uber ride back home. Since I was phoneless, my only choice was to keep running moving.

And then I realized...this is what I signed up for. Quite literally. I signed up for a challenge which included runs that would be done on tired legs. It is a 4-day challenge that I won't be halfway through until mile 3 of the marathon on last day. So this little 4 mile jaunt this morning was nothing in the grand scheme of things.

It was suck it up Buttercup time.

So I continued on with my run, avoiding temptation to cut it short. I plugged into that part of my personality that my mom calls stubbornness, but which I prefer to call determination. I made it back home an embarrassingly long time after I set out. And for the first time in my life I seriously considered how I could make an ice bath happen.

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