Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Today I Rest

I have dubbed today "self care day."

Yesterday I was up pre-dawn to get my run in first thing and then left for a 12-hour work day. What got me through that exhausting day was looking forward to today. See today was an 'off day' - I didn't have a run scheduled and I only had to work one job. I was positively giddy over the prospect of today.

I let myself sleep until 6:00 this morning. It turns out when I give myself an inch, I take a mile. I'm kind of jerk that way. So the alarm goes off at 6:00 but I could not seem to pull myself out of bed until after 7:15, negating the option of a shower. I ended up coming home at lunch and showering, thus creating the shower lunch. Not as much fun as the shower beer, but whaddya gonna do?

Adding to today's awesomeness, I got to go straight home from work. That never happens. I had had a frustrating afternoon so I decided to go for a walk when I got home. I slipped on some running shoes, a pair of capris and an old race t-shirt and set out for a leisurely stroll. I didn't have to go a certain distance or maintain a particular pace. I could just walk until I didn't feel like walking anymore. And. It. Was. Lovely.

I got home early enough to actually prepare a real dinner and eat before 8:00. I grilled up some crab cakes and ate an honest-to-goodness, adult dinner.

Today was all about taking a little time out of my crazy schedule - the multiple jobs, training and other adult types of things people expect me to do - and take a little better care of myself. Tomorrow I'll be up again at oh-hell-no-o'clock to get in my run before I head to job 1, followed by a shift at job 2. It will be tiring but I can do it. But that's tomorrow. Today I rest.

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