Saturday, December 26, 2009

Forgive me Hal Higdon

As I predicted, today's long run was cut, well, shorter. In keeping with the theme of this week, I ended up cutting the miles of this run. Instead of the prescribed 12 miles, I only did 8. The arch of my right foot was still bothering me, there was ice patches scattered along my route and I was just plain "not feelin' it".

As it is the day after Christmas, I was at my parents' house. So I set off from their house with a belly full of Christmas lasagna and the desire to just lie on the couch and watch a movie. It took a little while to get moving but I made it the 4 miles to the park where mom the sherpa was waiting with sports drink and, in lieu of my normal Shot Blocks, some mini Snickers. After a quick stop, I was off for 3 loops around the park - bringing my distance to 8 miles. My foot was bothering me and I was tired so that's where it ended. The bright note was that my dad, who had been suffering from a cold, came out to do my last 2 miles with me.

So I again finished short of the mark. It was the first time EVER I had cut the distance of a long run. I'm feeling quite a bit of guilt but I'm guessing I ran more today than most people did the week of Christmas. I'm sure that in his lovely suburban Chicago home Hal Higdon, inventor or my training schedule, can feel that I've cut my run short. Forgive me Coach Higdon!

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