Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Marathoning Can Save the American Economy, Part 2

Add headphones to the list of things that did not last through my marathon training. They bit the dust on Monday. And right in the middle of a challenging run that should have been a piece of cake, or pie. Mmmm... pie. Pumpkin pie sounds good right now. What was I saying? Oh yeah - headphones.

Anyway, in the last 2 weeks I've had to replace my running shoes, buy new headphones and discard two pairs of socks that I wore a hole through with my big toe on a longish run. That led me to think again about all the "stuff" I've had to purchase in the last 12 weeks and I've once again come to the conclusion that if just a quarter of the American population trained for a marathon, our recession would be SO over. Following is the continuation of the partial list of things I've had to buy in preparation for this marathon:

1) Road ID - this is an ID bracelet that is printed with your name, an emergency contact number and any medical issues that first responders need to be aware of. Somebody out there is making a lot of money due to runner moms' paranoia.

2) Reflective vest - when you run in the dark multiple times a week for over any serious distance, one tends to run out of streetlights and sidewalks pretty fast. Not to mention, I look sooo cool wearing one.

3) Head lamp - because my dorkiness factor just wasn't high enough with the reflective vest alone.

4) iTunes songs - it doesn't take long to tire of the music you have when your runs consistently take 2 hours or more.

5) Advil - for a marathon runner this is probably most economically purchased by the case. During the course of training, I had to switch to generic ibuprofen so I could afford my mortgage. This wonder product is worth its weight in gold though. It has served me well as emergency pain reliever, preventative pain stopper, breakfast and dessert.

6) Sports Drink - I've actually considered joining Sam's Club in order to purchase this item in the quantity necessary. My preferred beverage is the electric green liquid known as Sour Melon Powerade. It almost glows in the dark.

7) Boy short style underware - let's just say when you chafe in certain areas after a long run, the last thing you want sitting there is the elastic on your underware. Guys have it so easy...

8) Doughnuts and cheeseburgers - ok, so this might not be a necessity but you would have been hard pressed to find me eating either of these items 3 months ago. Now they seem to have become a staple.

So President Obama, if you're reading this (and really, why wouldn't you be?) just dump that presidential fitness test everyone has to do in elementary school PE class in favor of marathon training. I can't think of a better economic recovery plan.

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