Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ten on the Tundra

Runner Wendy turned to me to today and said, "I have an ice cream headache." The problem, I noted to Runner Wendy, was that we were not eating ice cream at the time. We were running. Outdoors. In 7 degree weather. "Yeah," says Runner Wendy, "I know. None of the pleasure and all of the pain."

That little exchange pretty much described the conditions of our 10 mile run. It was cold. The sun wasn't quite up when we set out and for the first 1/2 mile my cheeks - both sets - were frozen. When Runner Wendy got out of her car, it was the first time I'd seen a runner wearing a scarf. About a mile in, we passed someone walking on the trail (Lord knows why). She had on a an ankle-length quilted coat, hood, hat and scarf. The only reason I know there was a person under there was that the words "good morning" emanated from the vicinity of where a mouth would be.

Oddly enough, we actually had a good run. We were so consumed with thinking about how cold it was that we didn't even consider how tired we might be running 10 miles before work. So I guess that's a bonus. And according to my fancy new Nike+ Sportband, we burned 1368 calories. I promptly worked towards replacing those calories as I eschewed my normal Wednesday morning doughnut breakfast today in favor of a 4 cheese souffle at Panera. Amidst the butter and fat, I'm pretty sure there's some protein in there. A runner needs her protein.

So despite the fact that we were running on what appeared to be the Arctic Tundra relocated to Central Illinois, the run this morning wasn't all that bad. Now I just need to find someone to make me some hot tea with a splash of brandy.


  1. You'll need to stock up on brandy and painkillers for Saturday. No ... Sunday. We want you as incoherent as possible for the big purge. We want you to be feeling NO pain. A little floaty, very happy, and perfectly willing to part with empty bags, clothes that don't fit, and shoes that make you bleed. :-)

  2. Hmmm. Tea with a splash of where oh where might you find someone to make that for you? Gosh, I've got an idea: Maybe one of your former fantastic (please note: that is not 'formerly fantastic') ISU profs would be willing to do that for you. What oh what could be the chances of that? Could such a wonderful person actually live here in the midlands and NOT have been canonized yet??
