Sunday, December 13, 2015

Feed Me

Training hunger is no joke.

I get hungry often and at the most inconvenient times.

After a long run I have been known to eat something while I'm deciding what I want to eat. It's not unusual for me to eat dinner, and then 2 or 3 hours later as I'm getting ready for bed I'm so hungry that my stomach literally hurts. But I don't want to eat again because all I want to do is brush my teeth and go to bed. Sometimes I'll give in to the hunger and eat a piece of cheese or a handful of pumpkin seeds. Other times I'll just try to ignore it. I've even woken in the middle of the night to hunger pangs.

A friend who recently did her first Ironman triathlon reportedly slept with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon near her bed so when she woke in the middle of the night starving she'd just eat a spoonful of peanut butter and go back to bed. I haven't resorted to that yet, but I have eaten spoonfuls of peanut butter at various times during the day to try to satisfy the hunger.

I'm not exactly a whiz in the kitchen so the idea of having to feed myself more than normal is distressing to say the least. Most of the time these hunger pangs come up, I don't really want to eat because either 1) nothing sounds appealing, or 2) I'm too busy doing other things to stop and eat.

Thankfully I have some awesome friends. Cindy dropped off a brownie for me while I was at work. Laurie and Veronica spent one evening last week doing some holiday baking and invited me over to partake in the goodies. They even sent me home with some treats.

So I guess what I'm getting at is...please feed me. I can't be trusted to do it myself.

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