Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hell Week

The time has come. Hell week. The week that has been looming large over me for months has finally arrived and right now I'm staring down a weekend of a mini Dopey simulation.

Months ago when I was putting together my training plan, I marked off this week in my planner as my ultimate high mileage weekend and have been flipping to this page from time to time and staring at the numbers written there with equal parts reverence and fear. And now it's here.

My planner thinks I can do it, so I must be able to, right?

My training plan for this weekend is to run 5 miles on Thursday morning, 10 miles on Friday morning and 20 miles on Saturday morning. 

I think I've prepared just as well as I can. I am paying more attention to my diet this week. I'm adding more protein to help sustain the muscles over a longer period of time. I'm also doing some kale and fruit smoothies to give me the additional fruit and veggie nutrients I sometimes lack. I've even made an appointment with a dietitian to learn more about how to fuel most efficiently. I gotta say those smoothies, while tasty, look like the layer of scum that rests on top of stagnant water. sludge.

I'm also trying to pay special attention to my body. My back has been giving me trouble the last couple of weeks and is affecting my sleep. I literally haven't been able to roll over in bed without using my arms to pull myself into a new position. I know more than almost anything else right now, I need my sleep so I went to see my doctor and got the prescription cocktail of a muscle relaxer, anti-inflammatory and pain medicine with which I've already been well acquainted. While at the doctor, I learned I lost 8 pounds, which is a little surprising considering how often I eat these days. In addition to the doctor and ongoing PT (am I EVER going to graduate Josh?) I also have a sports massage scheduled for tomorrow night.

With all this, I think I've done just about everything I can to prepare for the days ahead so here we go. The fun starts tomorrow morning!

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