Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tales From Physical Therapy

I had a physical therapy appointment today. I have mixed feelings about this. One one hand, I kinda look forward to going because being the regular that I am at this point, I know just about everyone there and it's kind of like visiting friends. I fully expect to receive a Christmas card from Athletico this year. On the other hand, I dread it because the people there hurt me. Often.

There were a couple things of note with today's appointment.

1) When your physical therapist touches your calf to see how tight your muscles are and his eyes get really big and his eyebrows shoot upwards, I'm thinking maybe that's not a good thing. Either that or he's really impressed with my 'calf guns'. Yeah - that's probably it. I'm going with that.

It feels about as good as it appears to feel.

2) I had my first session of ASTYM on my heels today to help relieve the plantar fasciitis I've been experiencing. ASTYM on any part of your body is no picnic, but as I discovered today, it's especially sadistic to have it done on your heels. This is what I felt like during my treatment. It was so bad that a nice older lady who was doing her exercises near my table stopped, bent over and said "Here - squeeze my hand." She stood there and let me squeeze the ever-loving crap out of her hand until my torture was over. When he was done, my therapist remarked about my heavy breathing and semi-jokingly asked if I wanted to put on his heart rate monitor watch for a while.

3) I had graduated to only going to PT every three weeks. This week, I guess you could say I was demoted. Now I'm back to weekly sessions, because as my therapist says, I "have a couple of issues." You don't even know the half of it dude.

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