Thursday, December 10, 2015

And Then There Was Only A Month Left...

This is getting really real now folks. I know I've said it before but it bears repeating.

I've been planning for the Dopey Challenge for more than a year now and we're currently one month away from the day of the marathon - the last day in the challenge. We're under 30 days. Thirty. Three. Zero. For so long, this thing was so far in the future and now it's closing in on me, as evidenced by the fact that runDisney put out the bib numbers, corrals and event guide.

Nothing says impending doom race day like the race waiver.

It's weird. For months, I've lived with a vague feeling that was parts anxiety, dread and excitement about this event. I really thought I'd be in full-blown panic mode as this point, but I'm not. I feel kind of ready. Sure I have some aches and pains (and bruises from PT - thanks Josh!) and I still have my big mileage weekend  to go, including my 20 miler, but for the most part, I'm feeling ok about this. 

I've done test runs in the clothes I plan to wear for the races.
I've experimented with nutrition and fluids.
I've decided on shoes. 
I've used my share of Body Glide.

I think I've prepared just as well as I can at this point. Up next: the Hot Chocolate 15K in St. Louis, and then my mini Dopey simulation weekend.


  1. Mini Dopey Simulation Weekend? I want in on this! (A VERY MINI part, anyway.)

    Also (someone has to say it) - is it a "Minnie" Dopey Simulation?

  2. OMG - nobody has ever called me on the "Minnie" Dopey simulation! Sorry I didn't see this until after the weekend.
